
PARTY TIME in China - The Great Wall football cup of Beijing 2010

It been a while~

It's been a while that I havn't log on my blog.It's difficult for me to get on it in China...

After a long hard working preparation of the first Great Wall Cup of Beijing International Youth Football tournament, it finally successfully held from July 25 to 30, 2010.

There 14 teams participate 2 different age groups and teams from Australia, USA, Italy, Korea and North Korea participated and had a good time in Beijing during the tournament.

Gwacheon High School Football team from Korea won the champion of the U-17 age category.

Game Bowen FC vs DPRK football team   
Game break

DPRK (North Korea) U-12 national youth football team won the champion of U-13 age category.

CHINA PARTY TOURS & FUN - The Great Wall Football Cup of Beijing 2010

Football teams arriving to China (Italy & South Korea) - The Great Wall ...

The Great Wall Football Cup of Beijing 2010 - Opening Ceremony